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Click here for a listing of all available series. To search for an exact phrase, please use quotes on a title (examples: "Cavendish Selectboard" or "History Day". If your search involves a date, please use the calendar date pop up selector to choose your date, rather than manually entering one.

E.g., Sunday, September 22, 2024
E.g., Sunday, September 22, 2024
Show Title Show Image Production Datesort ascending Producer Series
Catholic Mass- First Sunday of Lent 2024/02/11 Steve Giroux Catholic Mass
Ludlow Baptist Church 2024/02/11 Kelly Kingsbury Ludlow Baptist Church
Sonny Saul Trio w/ Guest Quincy Saul 2024/02/11 Woodstock Community TV VMX Showcase
West River Weather Guy- Weekend Forecast 2024/02/09 Christopher Blackey West River Weather Guy Forecast
Yoga with Liza- A Practice For Youthfulness and Health 2024/02/09 Liza Eaton Yoga with Liza
VT Community Broadband- Christine Hallquist 2024/02/09 CCTV / Town Meeting TV Vermont Community Broadband
Expeditionary School at Black River- Interview with Chuck Bostock 2024/02/09 Gary Blodgett Expeditionary School at Black River
Interview with Community Member Earl Washburn 2024/02/08 Gary Blodgett Expeditionary School at Black River
VT Department for Children & Families- Fostering PSA 2024/02/07 Stafford Technical Center Vermont Statewide PSAs
Cavendish Planning Coms. Public Hearing on Town Plan 2/7 2024/02/07 Okemo Valley TV Cavendish Planning Commission
Governor Scott Administration Press Conference 2024/02/07 ORCA Media Governor Scott Press Conference
Mill River Unified Union School Dist. Board of Directors 2/7 2024/02/07 PEGTV Rutland Mill River Unified Union School District
River Valley Technical Center Board 2/7 2024/02/07 SAPA-TV River Valley Technical Center Board
Stuck in Vermont- Goth Family 2024/02/07 Eva Sollberger Stuck in Vermont
Latest on AI The Good, Bad, Ugly and Beautiful 2024/02/07 ORCA Media Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Lecture Series
