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Outdoor Film Screening Aug. 3rd

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 23:37 -- Patrick

We are hosting this special local screening of "The Forgotten", a film from Proctorsville residents Wendy Reynolds & Stefan Beaumont (an Okemo Valley TV Board member) about the impact of last Summer's flood on their road & the people living on it. All proceeds will go towards helping folks in Plainfield, VT who were heavily impacted by this year's flood (which, as many know, took place, on July 10th, the one-year anniversary of last year's event). It will be taking place on the evening of Saturday August 3rd. See the poster for details!

Welcome New Board Members

Tue, 07/02/2024 - 18:06 -- Patrick

Thank you to all who voted in the Board of Directors Election.

We welcome Sammy Blanchette & Stefan Beaumont to the Board. They join Newt Rose, who was re-elected to another term, along with the four other current members. 

We also would like to thank outgoing Board members Zachary McNaughton, Noah Schmidt, & George Thomson for their service.

More to come as we look ahead to another fiscal year. Good things are on the horizon!

Longtime Board Members Recognized

Sat, 06/29/2024 - 10:36 -- Patrick

During the Annual Meeting on Thursday June 27th, outgoing Board members George Thomson & Noah Schmidt were recognized for their longtime service. George was presented with a Community Impact Award by Board member Lisa Hamm-Greenwalt, for his 19 years of Board service and continued contributions throughout the community. Our outgoing Board President, Noah Schmidt, was presented with a plaque by his longtime friend & fellow Board member Newt Rose, in appreciation of his 8 years of Board service, including 4 in the leadership role as President.

Support Okemo Valley TV

Fri, 12/22/2023 - 18:45 -- Patrick

We are undergoing our annual membership drive. This is the time to show your support for all of the local programming that Okemo Valley TV provides across our TV channels & digital platforms, and all of the free & low-cost media resources we provide to community members, such as:
  • Training workshops and individualized trainings
  • on loan equipment
  • consultation on media projects
  • access to performance & recording studio
  • access to professional audio & video recording & editing equipment

    Please consider becoming a member or renewing your membership:

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