Black River Boys Soccer vs Windsor
The October 5th match between Black River and Windsor. Coverage provided by Bruce Perry.
BRHS Spring Sports Banquet 2010
Black River Softball vs West Rutland (Semi-final game)
The Div IV State semi-final game between Black River & West Rutland.
Black River Softball vs Williamstown (playoff game)
1st round playoff game; coverage provided by Bruce Perry.
Black River softball vs Arlington
Coverage of the BRHS softball team taking on Arlington; camera & play-by-play by volunteer Bruce Perry.
Black River Softball vs West Rutland
Bruce Perry delivers more volunteer coverage of the girls' softball season. This is against West Rutland on May 15th.
Black River Softball vs Green Mountain
Volunteer producer, cameraman, and play-by-play commentator Bruce Perry provides coverage of the BRHS / GMUHS softball game in Ludlow.
Softball Playoffs- Black River vs Canaan
Blasck River visits Canaan, in the Div IV State Playoff game.
BRHS Softball vs Concord 6/9/13
BRHS Softball vs Concord. This is the Quarter Final play off game. Thanks to Bruce Perry and Alyssa Collins!