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Floodplain Site Visit with Vermont River Conservancy

The Vermont River Conservancy provided a tour for Kelly Stettner of the Black River Action Team as well as members of local municipalities (Ludlow Selectboard & Planning Commission & Cavendish Planning Commission) on a floodplain site visit located at 250 Birge St in Brattleboro. The focus of the visit was to learn about the background of this floodplain project, details of how it came to be, who the players were in making it happen and how it's been going. The plan is for board members to bring some of this knowledge back to Ludlow and Cavendish in an effort to reconnect some floodplain parcels and ultimately reduce damage in the Black River Watershed. Recorded by Kelly Stettner with equipment and editing provided by Okemo Valley TV.
Production Date: 
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