Thanks to the stream table provided by the Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District, the Black River Action Team was able to visually demonstrate the workings of water. Floodplain Manager John Broker-Campbell and River Management Engineer Todd Menees, both with the State of Vermont, presented the table and showed a small audience how structures such as culverts, bridges, roads, and buildings all have an impact on the movement of a river.
Currently, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is updating the Tactical Basin Plan for our region, the drainage area known as Basin 10, formed by the Black and Ottauquechee rivers.
Your input is needed; are there water quality concerns that you feel should be addressed? Are there important areas you believe should be protected? Are there additional projects that should be included in the Tactical Plan?
More information on the Tactical Basin Plan can be found on the Department of Environmental Conservation website -
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