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Okemo Valley TV offers underwriting opportunities for local businesses who wish to show their support for community TV while taking advantage of a low-cost alternative to traditional advertising. In exchange for a tax-deductible charitable contribution, each each underwriter is acknowledged on our TV channels, this website, & in our weekly e-news. It's an opportunity for the business community to financially, publicly, and visibly support local community media!

Learn more about the underwriting program here

Underwriting levels:






1) 30-second video thanking your business televised daily; 2) Logo, photo, & company name on TV & web bulletin board; 3) Video testimonial about you & your business; 4) Logo & link on OkemoValley.TV; 5) Logo & link in our e-News;  6) Membership benefits of Okemo Valley TV (see below for info).



1) 15-second video thanking your business, televised daily; 2) Logo, photo, & company name on TV & web bulletin board; 3) Logo & link on OkemoValley.TV; 4) Logo & link in our e-News;  5) Membership benefits of Okemo Valley TV (see below for info).





1) Shared video “thank you”, televised daily; 2) Logo, photo, & company name on TV & web bulletin board; 3) Logo & link on OkemoValley.TV; 4) Logo & link  in our e-News;  5) Membership benefits  of Okemo Valley TV (see below for info).


There are 3 ways to send your contribution:

1. Use PayPal to pay using your PayPal account or a credit card:

Level of Contribution

2. OR mail your contribution to:
Okemo Valley TV
37C Main St.
Ludlow, VT 05149

3. OR send us an email or to let us know you're interested. (you can also call the office at 228-8808)
Here's a sample of a past underwriting acknowledgement video:

Note that Okemo Valley TV is a 501 c3 non-profit organization- so any contribution is tax-exempt.
** rate schedule is reviewed by Board of Directors on annual basis