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2018 Community Service Award

Thu, 06/28/2018 - 16:52 -- Patrick


The 2018 Okemo Valley TV Outstanding Achievement Award has been given to Marji Graf, who for the past 10 years led the Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce. Since Marji was moving and starting her new job in Maryland before our Awards Ceremony & Open House, Executive Director Patrick Cody presented her with the award at the June 20th Chamber mixer, which served as her going away party (thanks to Doanld Dill, we'll soon be televising some video coverage of that event). During her time with the Chamber, Marji produced her monthly series, "Okemo Valley- Your Place in Vermont" with us. She started the show in 2008 and kept it going up until this month, when she recorded her final show. Marji serves as an excellent example of how community TV can be used as a promotional tool. Through the production her show, she made regular use of our services to promote Chamber activities and the business community throughout the region. We were a tool for her, which she put to good and effective use, and in turn, we received a steady stream of current programming. We wish Marji Well! 

(photo credit: Donald Dill)