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Annual Meeting & Awards Night- June 25th

Sat, 06/13/2020 - 13:55 -- Patrick

The Okemo Valley TV Annual Meeting  & Awards Night is on Thursday, June 25th at 6:30pm. It is open to all community members. It will be to be held via Zoom teleconference. Log in / dial in information is on the agenda.  All residents of Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Mount Holly, Andover, & Reading are welcome and invited to participate. If you would like to join, please RSVP by (subject: Annual%20Meeting%20RSVP) (emailing Patrick) or call the station at 228-8808. The event will also be streamed live on our You Tube channel and will broadcast live on our Comunity Access channel (COmcast 1076 / Vtel 167). 

Click HERE for the agenda.

Voting is now open for the Board of Directors election....For those unable to join the Annual Zoom meeting, you can cast your ballot in our election now. To be eligible vote, you must:

  • be at least 14 years of age
  • reside in one of the following Towns: ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Mount Holly, Andover, or Reading

On the ballot, you will be asked to provide your name and address, in order to certify that your eligibility. Your information will remain confidential - ballots will only be seen by our 3 member Election Committee and no one else. We take your privacy seriously.

Click here to access the ballot and cast your vote. 

Due to the cirumstances surrounding the pandemic this year, electronic voting will only be available. 

For more information on the Board of Directors, click here.