We are teaming up with Cavendish Historical Society for a virtual presentation from Margo Caulfield on "Epidemics & Pandemics". The presentation will include information from special guests.
It will take place Wednesday, January 27 at 7pm over Zoom. The presentation will cover the origins of pandemics/epidemics, their impact on history, including Vermont’s common characteristics, & the lasting changes that have occurred with past events. All are invited to attend.
If you wish to attend, join here:.
Epidemics / Pandemics
Time: Jan 27, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 814 6583 1270
Passcode: 693327
Or to dial-in by phone, call 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 814 6583 1270
Passcode: 69332
For those who simply wish to view / listen in on the presentation, we are also streaming the presentation live on You Tube. CLICK HERE to go to our You Tube channel .