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Logo Contest Winner

Fri, 10/20/2017 - 15:43 -- Patrick

OVTV Executive Director Patrick Cody (Left), with RVTC student Cameron Purington, who won logo contest


RVTC Teacher Ms. Kristen Wilson (Left), with students from her Technology Essentials class


After receiving 42 entries from 17 different people in the recent logo design contest for Okemo Valley TV, we are pleased to announce Cameron Purington as the winner. Cameron is in the Technology Essentials class at River Valley Technical Center. The class, taught by Ms. Kristen Wilson, participated in our contest as a class project. The class visited our facility this past week, where they were given a tour and heard from Okemo Valley TV Board member Jon Clinch, who helped judge the contest and offered some insight on design and typography. Since 2001, we have been known as "LPCTV", but our name has changed and now, thanks to Cameron, Ms. Wilson, and the RVTC class, we have a logo! "By identifying a need to re-brand LPCTV, we wanted to involve the community much as possible", said Executive Director Patrick Cody. Community members were polled earlier in the year to help choose a name and then, over the past few months, the logo contest was held. "By getting the community involved, not only to participate in our regular operations, but also to shape who we are and where we're going, that's what it's all about."