The NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) holds the largest annual trade show and expo for the media & entertainment industries. It happens in Las Vegas every April. I attended this year, in part to connect with Ann Marie Cumming, who is the V.P. of Communications for NAB, and who happens to be from the area (she grew up in Bellows Falls- her mother, Jean Morrill, was on our Board of Directors for several years). I was also at the NAB Show to do some research on developing technologies and the latest equipment. There was A LOT to see and to digest. As part of my work on behalf of the Vermont Access Network, a collection of community TV stations throughout the State, I did some research on two really hot media technologies: OTT (over-the-top) and live streaming.
Here's a video I made of my NAB Show experience:
Check out my blogs on each:
NAB Report: OTT (over-the-top)
Oh, and not only did I get to catch up with Ann Marie at the show, but I also connected with Phil Newman (in photo below), who was there working as a freelance cameraman for Adobe! Phil grew up in Ludlow, graduated from Black River, attended Okemo Mountain School, and did some work for us, too! He was one of our first and most active volunteers, and also sat on our Board of Directors. He is now a cinematographer and camera operator based in LA.