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Patrick's blog

Awards Night

Thu, 07/02/2020 - 17:28 -- Patrick

Here is the recording of our 2020 Producer Awards ceremony, held immediately before the Annual Meeting on June 25th. It was a virtual event this year, recorded over teleconference. 

Thanks to the following annual Producer Award winners:
Producer of the Year- Pat Moore
Youth Producer- Mt. Holly After School
Outstanding Achievement- Susan Haefner
Community Service- Kata Welch

And this year, we gave out a special award, in recognition of giving back during the current pandemic:
Volunteer Impact Award- Dr. Linda Thomson
Check out samples of the work of our award recipients in the recording!

Annual Meeting Re-Cap & Board Election

Mon, 06/29/2020 - 22:52 -- Patrick

Okemo Valey TV's Board of Directors held its annual meeting on Thursday, June 25th. The meeting was held over Zoom teleconferencing and included the Board election. Current member John Cama was re-elected to another term. Joining the board this coming year (starting July 1st) are Sharon Huntley of Cavendish & Pat Moore of Ludlow. 

We also paid tribute to outgoing Board members Fra DeVine, who has served for the past 6 years, and Sharon Bixby, a founding member of the orgnaization, who has served on the Board for 20 consecutive years.

In other news,  the FY2021 budget was adopted as a level-funded version of the pas year's budget, with the stipulation that it will be revisited and amended at the end of the 1st quarter (September 30th). These are unusual times calling for unusual circumstances. There are still a few unkowns related to the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on our operations, and we will have a better picture within the next few months. 

The 1st Board meeting of the new fiscal year - and among the new Board - will be Wednesday July 22nd at 5:30pm. As always, the meetins are open to the public. Agendas are always posted on the "Documents" page.

Board of Directors Election

Thu, 06/18/2020 - 16:35 -- Patrick
Voting is open for the annual Board of Directors election. This year, all voting is being done electronically. Anyone age 14 & up living in Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Mount Holly, Andover, or Reading is eligible to vote. We have a 3 person committee overseeing the process. Your information and vote are kept confidential - more detail is provided on the ballot itself. Ballots must be submitted by 7PM on Thursday, June 25th, the time of the Annual Meeting .

Click here for the ballot & to cast your vote in the Board of Directors election

Annual Meeting & Awards Night- June 25th

Sat, 06/13/2020 - 13:55 -- Patrick

The Okemo Valley TV Annual Meeting  & Awards Night is on Thursday, June 25th at 6:30pm. It is open to all community members. It will be to be held via Zoom teleconference. Log in / dial in information is on the agenda.  All residents of Ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Mount Holly, Andover, & Reading are welcome and invited to participate. If you would like to join, please RSVP by (subject: Annual%20Meeting%20RSVP) (emailing Patrick) or call the station at 228-8808. The event will also be streamed live on our You Tube channel and will broadcast live on our Comunity Access channel (COmcast 1076 / Vtel 167). 

Click HERE for the agenda.

Voting is now open for the Board of Directors election....For those unable to join the Annual Zoom meeting, you can cast your ballot in our election now. To be eligible vote, you must:

  • be at least 14 years of age
  • reside in one of the following Towns: ludlow, Plymouth, Cavendish, Mount Holly, Andover, or Reading

On the ballot, you will be asked to provide your name and address, in order to certify that your eligibility. Your information will remain confidential - ballots will only be seen by our 3 member Election Committee and no one else. We take your privacy seriously.

Click here to access the ballot and cast your vote. 

Due to the cirumstances surrounding the pandemic this year, electronic voting will only be available. 

For more information on the Board of Directors, click here.


We're Upgrading!

Fri, 05/08/2020 - 10:52 -- Patrick
Our viewing platforms have been updated. We have new channel numbers on Comcast, we are in HD on VTel, and now our program schedules can be found on the program guide for both Comast & Vtel. And, of course, as always you can tune in to our video on demand here on our website or on our You Tube channel.

Community News & Information

Tue, 03/17/2020 - 14:59 -- Patrick
Tune into our community calendar / bulletin board for important information. This runs on our TV channels in between programming and can always also be found on the Calendar page here on the website. Due to rapidly-changing news & information related to COVID-19, including various closures, cancelations, etc., we are displaying it here on the homepage for the time being.

Do you have news or info. you would like to share? You can send it to us on the Calendar page ! We will get it up promptly.

COVID-19 Response

Fri, 03/13/2020 - 18:33 -- Patrick

Click here for a List of Resources
(from Okemo Valley Chamber of Commerce)

Update: May 8, 2020
For the past 8 weeks, we have been working remotely, and have adapted to making TV in different ways (mostly through teleconferencing). From Chamber of Commerce workshops with the SBA to local economic updates, daily updates from Senate President Tim Ashe, regular press briefings from the Governor, story time readings from the Cavendish Library, local government meetings over Zoom, daily distance learning science classes from Fairbanks Museum, & much more, we are feverishly bringing programming to local TV (and our website & You Tube channels). This would not all be possible without a strong network of colleagues in community media throughout Vermont. Through our collaborative work, we are able to bring you a continuous stream of timely local and regional news, information, educational programming, as well as entertainment. We invite everyone in the community to put us to use. We accept media of all kinds - including cell phone videos, audio recordings, Zoom meetings, and on & on. Get in touch! As the Governor begins to loosen restrictions after May 15th, we will soon be back working in the station at a regular basis. Of course, special precautions will be made as we get back to some sense of normalcy.

Update: March 25, 2020
Following the Governor's "Stay Home" executive order on March 24th, our facility will remain closed for the time being. We are getting creative about how we can continue to provide valuable media resources and information to the local community. We are doing this by using teleconferencing to record video and share information, as well as through our community calendar / TV bulletin board . We invite anyone with information to share or requests to submit it to us by email or by calling Patrick at (802) 356-6027. As an update to the information we shared on March 13th (below), we will not be using the studio to record or hosting gathering of any kind inside our facility for the time being, effective immediately.We will continue to post updates here related to our operation during these unprecedented times.

Date: March 13, 2020

In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, we are taking several precautions, which means temporarily modifying our operations. The goal is to protect the health of our staff, volunteers, and the community members around us,  while also providing any services that we are still able to provide, in order to serve the community as a valuable media resource. 

Concerning Facility & Equipment Use

  • Our facility in the Ludlow Community Center is currently closed to the public-at-large, but our equipment & services are available by appointment
  • We will continue to loan our equipment to members of the public, with discretion on a case-by-case basis. Requests should be made by calling the station at 228-8808 or by emailing Patrick .
  • Non-essential business meetings or other appointments are discouraged for the time being.
  • We are taking all precautionary measures. All equipment is being be wiped down with disinfectant wipes before being put away. This goes for staff use as well as any public use and includes cameras, microphones, headphones, tripods, stands, cables, & all other gear. 

Programming, Production, & Other Services:

  • We will continue to program and operate our 2 channels 24/7. We have plenty of local, regional, and statewide programs. Our weekly grids and daily schedules, as always, are available on the website,
  • New local programs will be posted to this website as well as our You Tube channel
  • We will continue to record local government meetings, as they occur and will remain in contact with local municipal officials about any changes in schedules, cancelations, etc.
  • We will use discretion when considering other field production assignments for staff
  • We have begun to publish videos and other information related to COVID-19, from the CDC, State of Vermont, and other sources, and will continue to do so.
  • We encourage the local municipalities and organizations in our service area to send us information that they would like to share with the community. We will create bulletins for our community calendar / TV bulletin board and can share on social media. As always, we encourage anyone to send us information to do so through the website,  News & information may also be emailed to
  • We will continue to monitor the phones, emails, and social media platforms. We will also be keeping up with all administrative tasks and functions.

Want to get in touch? Send Patrick an email.

Again, we will be televising & posting  videos related to COVID-19 as we receive them. Check "New Videos" on the left sidebar of this website, and the "Videos" page;


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